WiFi connectivity is a vital component of the Touch + and it is important to be able to search for and connect to WiFi networks.
First of all, you need to open the WiFi menu.
To do this:
• Press Space+O to open the Options menu.
• Press the letter A until you reach Android system settings, then press Enter.
• Press space until you see Network and internet, and then press Enter
• Press space until you find the WiFi option and click on it.
Once you are in the WiFi settings menu you can join and forget networks and change your preferences.
To join a network, press Enter on it. Enter the security information for the network if needed (e.g. password) and then click Connect. If the network has a login page, you will see a notification.
Press Enter+N to open the notification centre and then find the Android System Sign in to WiFi notification. You can click on this to launch the login page.
You can view all saved networks from the saved networks option at the bottom of the WiFi menu.
You can also quickly view connection status by pressing Enter+Dots 3 and 4 at any time.